What's this app about?
This app aims to help users reduce phone addiction by raising a cute digital pet on the phone. The pet will lose energy when users are addicted to their phones. The longer the screen time is, the more energy the digital pet will lose. The pet will become sick if he/she loses too much energy. Users must stop using their phones for a while to help their pets recover their health status. 
The app will help users track their screen time for days and their average screen time for weeks and months. Users could get pet gifts, including furniture, toy, and clothes, if they reach the specific screen time goal. They could decorate their house and their pet by using these gifs. Users could also see the status of their friend's pets and their daily screen time. Users could also visit each other's houses to see what others have in their houses and the appearance of their pets. This app encourages users to reduce phone addiction with their friends. Users may feel encouraged to win more gifts for their pets and keep their pets' health status when they see their friends' pets look better. 
Helping users reduce phone addiction by using peer pressure and empathy is the goal. Forming a good habit by playing a digital pet game and raising a cute digital pet is a more relaxed, gentle, and acceptable user experience.
Screen designs and introduction
Here is the app icon, showing how it will display on the screen when users download it to their phone. The logo of this app, including a little character and the clock icon, together form the phrase stop phone. The logo interprets that a cute digital pet is included in this app, and the function of this app is to help people track or reduce the time spent on their phones. From here, we could log in or sign up. 
Users could select their pets according to their preferences. I'll select the cat. Then you'll give your pet a name. My cat is called Kitty.​​​​​​​
Here is my selected pet, its kitty's home, and her items. On the home page, you can see that the app helps record how long you have been using your phone. If you've been continuing to use your phone for less than one hour, for example, 40 minutes, that's fine, the status of your pet is healthy, and the pet looks happy. If you've been continuing using your phone for longer than one hour, you'll receive a notification on your phone from this app, notifying you that your pet is tired. Please leave your phone to let her rest. If the status of your pet is tired, your pet will look sad, and she will complain. The status changed to "tired." 
If you continue using your phone for longer than one and a half hours, your pet will look sick. The pet is crying and complaining. The status will change to sick. The bar is changing to red to alert you at the same time. If you want your pet to recover health status, you must lock down your phone for a while. This function prevents the user from addicting to their phone for too long.​​​​​​​
On the home page, you can easily track your daily screen time. You can see your total time on your phone today and in previous days. Also, you could track your daily average screen time for this week and previous weeks. The top right corner shows how many cups you've won so far.
The person in the friend list who has the lowest daily average screen time for a particular week could win the cup. There also include the basic functions of profiles, settings, and notifications. You'll receive notifications about who visited your house and who won the cup last week and remind you to review your weekly report for screen time. You could open the message and mark it as read.
In the community section, you'll see your friend list. These are your friend's pets; they all dress up differently. You can click here to add new friends and pull out your QR code to allow others to scan it. Your pet interacts with you all the time.
You can also click the house icon to visit your friend's home. Let's visit the chick's home, and you can see how many cups your friends have won, ranking, status, and other information. Your friend's home is different compared to yours. There are different items and furniture. You'll be encouraged to get more beautiful items for your pet if you see your friend's home looking wealthier.
The store is where you can get items for your pet. Items are listed by categories. Let's try to get a piece of furniture. Each item has a screen time goal; you have to achieve the requirement to acquire the item. You can see your status right now and the requirements for items. If you click the television, your pet will tell you you are not qualified for this item. It requires an average daily phone usage time of fewer than 5 hours for 20 days, but you only insist on two days.
But you are qualified to get a floor lamp, so let's take it.
You can see all your items by clicking the luggage icon. You could remove or add them for your pet. Let's add a hat, and you can see the hat is added to Kitty's head.
In the records section, you can see your recent daily and weekly screen time graph and data. And also the ranking results of your friend list. This information will help you track your phone usage situation and encourage screen time control.
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