This project aimed to create a series of Christmas digital products. How could the same design elements transfer to different products to provide different user experiences, functions, and interactions? The common concept of this project is the "blind box." How could physical stickers, digital stickers, AR filters, and AR games give users the perception of surprise, excitement, and playfulness? 

This project also makes me explore different design software. Exploring their usage, functions, and what experience they could provide. It's also the good example of how tradition graphic design transfer to motion graphic and AR experience. How to make tradition graphic design products become more functional and interactive. 
A Christmas story animated by using Adobe AfterEffect
Physical sticker design-Adobe Illustrator
2021 Digital Animated Sticker set published on Wechat and WhatsApp-Adobe photoshop

2022 Digital Animated Sticker set published on Wechat and WhatsApp-Adobe photoshop
Users could only see eight boxes on the keyboard. They could see the animation inside the box once they sent it. I called it the "Christmas Blind sticker set." Compared to traditional sticker sets, this set could give users the perception of Surprise, expectations, playfulness, and interaction. Users could play a "blind-box" game during online chatting. Besides helping users express specific emotions and meanings, digital stickers could also be playful and interactive in online chatting. Are there other ways to add "playful" elements to digital sticker design? This is the question I'll keep exploring in the future. 
Links to the two Christmas sticker sets on WhatsApp
  "Christmas AR Filter Design" -AR Spark Studio
Lean your head to the left and right to open two gift boxes. Raise your hand to get another animation.
 AR filters could allow users to interact with the virtual elements with their heads and hand.​ "Doing an action to trigger something." Create a surprise and interactive experience. ​It's more engaging and actual because users can see themselves participating in the interaction. Users could personalize the experience with their facial expressions and actions. ​
Lean your head to the left and right to open two gift boxes. Open your mouth to open the blue gift box. 
Users interact with stickers in different ways by doing different actions. 
"Lucky Draw" Game
The sticker animation will stop when the user opens his/her mouth. The stopped sticker is the one they get. This is a Christmas interaction game. I also prepared some physical stickers to interact with the AR filter experience. If the filter is being used in a Christmas event, participants could play with it and get the physical sticker they luckily drew. This is another way AR could cooperate with physical objects to create better experiences and functions.
The glasses are a decorative element that improves the atmosphere of Christmas and provide the feeling of WheelSurf. 

I explored the functions of AR Spark Studio, and I published my filter on social platforms. I received data about the usage of the filter, such as how many times have been opened, shared, and saved
  "Christmas AR Phone Case Design"-Adobe Aero 
Could we bring AR technology into more physical products? Could it stimulate sales and promote more people to learn and use AR? AR technology could add fun to the daily product. (Phone case, bottle, clothing, etc.) Make everything playful and interactive. ​It's also a good example of how graphic design elements transfer to the AR experience and how they cooperate. ​Could AR become a new way of socializing and interacting among people? People could scan the QR code on other's products to see fun AR effects. 
"Christmas AR Claw Machine Game" -Adobe Aero 
There is a different character inside each ball. Users could randomly select a ball to see what they get. 
Could AR provide similar effects and perception (surprise, excitement, satisfaction, etc.)as physical objects? ​Strengths of AR: AR can be animated in that physical objects can't. It's a more economical, novelty, convenient and dynamic way to deliver surprise, excitement, and satisfaction. You could open to experience it at any time and anywhere. 
Could it replace some physical products in the future?​ If we expect the perception of surprise, excitement, and playful, could AR games satisfy us, so we don't have to buy and keep physical products? 
Scan the QR code to try the AR game!
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