How to effectively use positive peer pressure to motivate people to engage in positive activities and foster positive habits?
Final screen designs and function introductions
1. Loading & Sign in page
2. Notification
Users could always see notifications pop out when they are using the
app. Notifying users of their achievements and their friend's
achievements. Remind users about their joined activities, view weekly
time reports, and notify users if someone invited them to a new activity.
This function will encourage and motivate users to insist on achieving
their goals. Users may feel peer pressure if they notice that their friends
have more achievements.
3. Main Page-Activities
Users could see activities they had already joined and new activities
recommended for them based on their interests could scroll to see more.
It's more convenient to search for activities if there is a lot. I put
illustrations on the top to create a positive atmosphere for the app and
make users feel more engaged.
4. Search by categories
Activities have been divided into five categories: Study, fitness, health, hobby/skill, and other plans. It's easier for users to search activities by categories.
5. Click to view the activity & Invite friends
Users can see the creator, the short description, the time, the goal, and the participants when they click on one of the activities. Notice basic
information about this activity. Users could invite other friends to join the
same activity. This function allows users to encourage their friends to
progress and improve their skills together.
6. Track progress, ranking, win prize
As the activity started, users could always see the progress of other
participants and themselves. There is a ranking list inside each activity.
Users could update their progress. Each activity will provide a chance to
win gold, silver, and bronze prize for the first three people who achieve
the goal. These functions could motivate users to progress and
feel pressure if they are left behind compared to their peers.
7. Post inside the activity
There is a post section inside each activity. Participants could share their learning Spanish experiences and study materials in this activity. The post function could make users feel engaged and like they are doing things with peers. Although users may study individually, they can share posts and interact with others through this app.
8. "Join me" function
If users want to find someone to practice with, they can go to "the join
me" section to see if anyone near them has turned on their location. Users
could go and find them. Users can also share their location to wait for
someone to join them. This function is designed for the extrovert learner.
9. Create and publish an activity
Users could create and publish a new activity. This function allows users
to create activities they want and attract others to join.
10. Post in community
Users could see all their friends' posts in the community's post section. Include peers' achievements, experience in different activities, thoughts about life, etc. The community is a positive place that encourages users to interact with their friends. They communicate about positive things.
11. Friend list
Users can see how many prizes their friends have won on the friend list
and click to see friends' weekly time record on five positive aspects.
Users could also click on their head portrait to see the collection of their
posts. This function makes users notice how well their peers are doing
and feel pressure from peers.
12. Achievements record
The achievements section helps users to track their experience. It shows
users their weekly, daily, and monthly time spent on five positive aspects.
A line also shows the average time spent on five positive aspects of their
friend list. They could compare themselves with the average level of
friend list. There is a prize ranking list too.
13. History and settings
Users could click their portrait to see the record of their activity histories
and post histories. They could also make other settings. They could turn
off notifications and hide their ranking and achievement. The app will respect different users' personalities and choices.
The app is designed for both introverted learners and extroverted learners. The introverted learner could do activities alone and track their achievements on their phone. Extrovert learners could interact with friends through the app and use the "join me " function to hang out with friends. The app is also designed for visual learners and kinaesthetic learners. The elements in this app have been colored, and the usage of color helps to represent different meanings that will help visual learners to understand. The illustrations are also a thing to improve the experience of visual learners. The app is interactive and dynamic and needs users' actions. Inaesthetic learners may enjoy the experience while using it.
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