Final Screens
1. Introduction Pages
Use a series of illustrations and texts to introduce the basic functions of this application. New users will see these introduction pages when they first use this app. 
2. Login and Sign up
ISU students and faculties could sign up or log in with their ISU email or ID number. 
3. Home Page
On the home page, users could see their friend's location through the app. Click on friends' head portraits to see where they are and when they will leave. Friends who turned on their location and showed you their information means they would want to hang out with you. In that case, users could find their friends directly without making appointments. Users could also turn on their location to allow their friends to find them. 
4. Location and schedule
When users choose to turn on their location, they will be asked to set up their schedule and the specific location they are at. They could scroll to set up their information. 
5. Select who you want to share with
After users set up all the information, they can select who they want to share their information with. You can share your location with the whole friend list, or you can select specific groups and friends to share your location. 
6. Turned on and turn off my location
After turning on your location, you could always go back to check your information or change something. You could also turn off your location at any time. 
7. Chatting function
Chatting with friends by using emojis and shortcuts. Common texts that are frequently used during chatting are displayed on the keyboard. Users could click to send them without spending time typing. 
8. Friend list and accept friend request
9. Add new friends and invite friends
You can add new friends by searching their email. You could invite friends to join "Cymeet" through other social platforms. 
10. Use "shake" function to make new friend
Use the "shake" function to find people shaking with you simultaneously. Then add him/her as a friend. This function allows users to make friends with someone they don't know.  
11. Group your friends & Delete friends
You can always create a new group from your friend list. You could delete someone from a group or your friend list. 
12. Message page & QR code & Digital student card
Here shows the message page and the QR code of your account. Others could scan your QR code to add you as a friend. A digital ISU student card is installed in this APP so that students do not have to carry their physical card all the time. 
13. Operation hours of public places on campus
Users could know the operation hours of public places (cafes, restaurants, gyms, and libraries) on campus if they are open or closed. 
Conducted the user test with 5 target users
Final Poster Design
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